101 Verbs

A verb is a word used to describe an action, a state or an occurrence.

Verbs can be used to describe an action, that’s doing something. For example, the word ‘cooking’ in the following sentence:

The man was cooking in the kitchen. (El hombre estaba cocinando en la cocina.)

They can also be used to describe a state of being (to feeling something). For example, the word ‘wants’ in the following sentence:

The cat wants to sleep. (El gato quiere dormir.)

Or a verb can be used to describe an occurrence (something that is happening). For example, the word ‘became’ in the following sentence::

The man became a teacher. (el hombre se convirtió en maestro)


Hablar Quiero hablar contigo
to Speak I want to speak with you
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Estudiar Necesito estudiar
to Study I need to study
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Explicar ¿Puedes explicar?
to Explain Can you explain?
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Intentar Intentalo
to Try Try it
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Leer Me gusta leer
to Read I like to read
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Necesitar Lo necesito
to Need I need it
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Considerar Lo voy a considerar
to Consider I will consider it
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Trabajar Trabajo toda la semana
to Work I work all week
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Escribir ¿Que escribiste?
to Write What did you write?
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Empezar ¿Quieres empezar?
to Start / to Begin Do you want to begin?
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Recordar Te recuerdo
to Remember I remember you
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Encontrar ¿Dónde puedo encontrarlo?
to Find Where can I find it?
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Sentir Me siento bien
to Feel I feel okay
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Creer Te creo
to Believe I believe you
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Volver Voy a volver pronto
to Return Im going to return soon
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Vivir Vivimos juntos
to Live We live together
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Poner ponlo en alguna parte
to Put Put it somewhere
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Concentrar Por favor concéntrate
to Concentrate Please concentrate
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Presentar Te los voy a presentar
to Present I will present them to you
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Prender Prende la luz
to Turn on Turn on the light
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Apagar Apaga la luz
to Turn off Turn off the light
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Comer ¿Qué quieres comer?
to Eat What do you want to eat?
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Querer Quiero ir
to Want I want to go
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Pensar Debo pensar
to Think I must think
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Gustar Me gusta
to Like I like it
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Inspirar Espero que mi historia te inspire
to Inspire I hope my story will inspire you
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Fascinar ¿Por qué te fascina?
to Fascinate Why does it fascinate you?
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Caminar Camina conmigo
to Walk Walk with me
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Generar Genera electricidad
to Generate It generates electricity
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Educar A ella le gusta educar a la gente
to Educate She likes to educate people
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Esconder ¿Dónde te escondiste?
to Hide Where did you hide?
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Conectar Necesito conectar los cables
to Connect I need to connect the cables
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Animar Esto te va animar
to Encourage This will encourage you
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Gritar No grites
to Scream Dont scream
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Copiar Debo copiar la información
to Copy I must copy the information
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Disfrutar Disfrútalo mientras puedas
to Enjoy Enjoy it while you can
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Decorar Déjame decorarlo
to Decorate Let me decorate it
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Compartir Comparte conmigo
to Share Share with me
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Complicar Ellos complican todo
to Complicate They complicate everything
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Confiar Confio en ti
to Trust I trust you
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Llegar Voy a llegar mañana
to Arrive I will arrive tomorrow
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Contar Cuéntalo
to Count Count it
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Abandonar Ne me abandones
to Abandon Dont abandon me
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Llorar Yo quiera llorar
to Cry I wanted to cry
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Cancelar El quiere cancelar la cita
to Cancel He wants to cancel the meeting
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Cocinar ¿Qué cocinarás?
to Cook What will you cook?
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Calmar Calmate
to Calm Calm down
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Chismear A ella le gusta chismear
to Gossip She likes to gossip
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Adornar Ella quiere adornar la casa
to Adorn She wants to adorn the house
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Brillar Brilla como el sol
to Shine It shines like the sun
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Afectar ¿Me afecta?
to Affect Does it affect me?
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Ajustar Te lo podemos ajusta
to Adjust We can adjust it for you
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Cerrar Cerramos en una hora
to Close We close in one hour
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Romper No lo rompas
to Break Dont break it
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Reir Me haces reir
to Laugh You make me laugh
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Abrir ¿Está abierto?
to Open Is it open?
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Corregir Te voy a corregir
to Correct I will correct you
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Ayudar Te puedo ayudar
to Help I can help you
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Pagar Tu debes pagar
to Pay You must pay
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Ofrecer Te ofrezco esto
to Offer I offer you this
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Caer Te puedes caer
to Fall You can fall
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Morir No me quiero morir
to Die I dont want to die
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Sacar Sacar la basura
to Take out Take out the trash
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Permitir ¿Te permiten?
to Permit Do they permit you?
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Servir Te serviré
to Serve I will serve you
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Convertir Lo quiero convertir
to Convert I want to convert it
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Cambiar Cambiar todo
to Change Change everything
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Buscar ¿Que estás buscando?
to Search What are you searching for?
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Terminar ¿Has terminado?
to Finish Have you finished?
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Recibir No lo recibí
to Receive I didnt receive it
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Existir No existen
to Exist They dont exist
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Producir Ellos producen vino
to Produce They produce wine
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Preocupar No te preocupes de mi
to Worry Dont worry about me
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Visitar Ven a visitarme
to Visit Come visit me
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Cortar Te puedes cortar
to Cut You can cut yourself
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Aprender Aprendo mucho contigo
to Learn I learn a lot with you
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Ver ¿Me ves?
to See Do you see me?
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Sentarse Sientate aqui
to Sit Sit here
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Dormir Ella quiere dormir
to Sleep She wants to sleep
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Odiar La gente lo odia
to Hate People hate him
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Criticar No te quiero criticar
to Criticize I dont want to criticize you
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Irritar El sonido puede irritar el perro
to Iritate The sound can iritate the dog
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Investigar Deberían investigar lo que pasó
to Investigate They should investigate what happened
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Imaginar Te Imagino ganando
to Imagine I imagine you winning
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Sorprender Me sorprendes
to Surprise You surprise me
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Cargar Quiero cargar mi celular/td>
to Charge I want to charge my cell phone
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Hervir Debes hervirlo
to Boil You must boil it
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Cantar Ella canta bien
to Sing She sings well
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Evitar Estoy tratando de evitar lo peor
to Avoid Im trying to avoid the worst
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Escapar Escapemos del fuego
to Escape Lets escape the fire
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Explorar Quiero explorar este lugar
to Explore I want to explore this place
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Examinar El doctor emaminará mi brazo
to Examine The doctor will examine my arm
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Dividir Deberías dividir los números
to Divide You should divide the numbers
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Sentarse Sientate aqui
to Sit Sit here
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Controlar Debes controlarlo
to Control You must control it
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Distraer ¿Te distrae la televisión?
to Distract Does the TV distract you?
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Completar Voy a completarlo pronto
to Complete I will complete it soon
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Consultar Te puedo consultar
to Consult I can consult you
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Congelar Debes congelarlo
to Freeze You must freeze it
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Concluir Eso concluye todo
to Conclude That concludes everything
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Entrar ¿Puedo entrar?
to Enter Can I enter?
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Seguir Sígueme
to Follow Follow me
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Tomar Tomalo
to Take Take it
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Cazar El esta cazando venados
to Hunt He is hunting deer
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Chiflar No puedo chiflar
to Whistle I cant whistle
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Castigar ¿Los castigarás?
to Punish Will you punish him?
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Masticar Es difícil masticarlo
to Chew Its dificult to chew it
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Causar Puede causar daño
to Cause It can cause damage
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Cautivar Me cautivas
to Captivate You captivate me
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Agravar Me agraves
to Aggravate You aggravate me
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Besar Bésame ahora
to Kiss Kiss me now
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Asaltar ¿Te asaltó el ladrón?
to Assault Did the robber assault you?
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Actuar Debemos actuar ahora
to Act We must act now
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Acumular Se va acumular
to Accumulate It will accumulate
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Mentir No mientes
to Lie Dont lie
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Concluir Eso concluye todo
to Conclude That concludes everything
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Repetir Vamos a repetir
to Repeat We will repeat
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Cubrir Cubre la ventana
to Cover Cover the window
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Resolver Lo quiero resolver
to Resolve I want to resolve it
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Depositar Quiero depositar dinero
to Deposit I want to deposit money
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Entender Espero que me entiendas
to Understand I hope you understand me
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Tocar No lo toques
to Touch Dont touch it
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Perder Espero que no pierdan
to Lose I hope they dont lose
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Ganar Pienso que van a ganar
to Win I think they will win
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Apoyar Te apoyo
to Support I support you
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Bloquear Estan bloqueando la calle
to Block They are blocking the street
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Confundir Me confundes con alguien más
to Confuse You confuse me with someone else
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Beber Necesitas beber agua
to Drink You need to drink water
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Dibujar Te quiero dibujar
to Draw I want to draw you
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Imitar A mi hijo le gusta imitarme
to Imitate My son likes to imitate me
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Inventar Deben inventar algo mejor
to Invent They must invent something better
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Escupir Escúpelo
to Spit Spit it out
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Viajar Quiero viajar por el mundo
to Travel I want to travel the world
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Exagerar Exagero mucho
to Exaggerate I exaggerate a lot
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Evacuar Dicen que debemos evacuar
to Evacuate They say we should evacuate
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Curar Este medicamento te curara
to Cure This medicine will cure you
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Organizar Toma tiempo para organizarlo
to Organize It takes time to organize it
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Confiscar La policia puede confiscarlo
to Confiscate The police can confiscate it
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Condenar Condeno estas acciones
to Condemn I condemn these actions
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Aguantar Puedo aguantar
to Endure I can endure
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Analizar Analizaré la situación
to Analyse I will analyse the situation
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Suponer ¿Qué supones?
to Suppose What do you suppose?
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Dirigir ¿Me puedes dirigir?
to Direct Can you direct me?
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Desanimar Los resultados me desaniman
to Discourage The results discourage me
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Comunicar Vamos a comunincarnos
to Communicate Lets communicate
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Ahogarse Los niños podrían ahogarse
to Drown The children could drown
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Amplificar ¿Puedes amplificar el sonido?
to Amplify Can you amplify the sound?
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Derretir Se puede derretir en el calor
to Melt It can melt in the heat
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Confirmar ¿Puedes confirmar mi cita?
to Confirm Can you confirm my appointment?
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Dañar El lo va a dañar
to Damage He will damage it